
Friday 1 June 2012

Animal Facts: Interesting, Amazing and Wonderful Facts about Animals

Animals are everywhere on the earth like cities, town, villages and forest also. Here are some wonderful amazing information about Animals:-
1.        Dalmatians are born without spots.
2.        Dalmatians are completely white at birth.
3.        Despite the hump, a camel's spine is straight.
4.        Dog nose prints are as unique as human finger prints and can be used to identify them.
5.        Dogs and cats consume over $11 billion worth of pet food a year.
6.        Dogs can see in colour, though they most likely see colours similar to a colour-blind human.
7.        Dogs and cats, like humans, are either right or left handed... or is that paws?.
8.        Dogs are about as smart as a two or three-year-old child.
9.        Dogs can hear sounds that you cant.
10.     Dogs have a wet nose to collect more of the tiny droplets of smelling chemicals in the air.
11.     Dogs have been man's pet for over 14,000 years.
12.     Dogs have about 1,700 taste buds.
13.     Dogs have four toes on their hind feet, and five on their front feet.
14.     Dogs have lived with humans for over 14,000 years.
15.     Dolphins nap with one eye open.
16.     Dogs have sweat glands in between their paws.
17.     Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
18.     Dolphins can eat up to 30 pounds of fish a day.
19.     Domestic cats hate lemons or other citrus scents.
20.     Even though a polar bears average body temperature is 37°C; they don’t give off any detectable heat, so they won’t show up in infrared photographs.
21.     Domestic pigs average a top speed of about 11 miles per hour.
22.     Every day of the year, 100 whales are killed by whale fisherman.
23.     Dragonflies can travel up to 60 mph.
24.     Dumbledore isn’t only the Headmaster of Hogwarts; in fact a dumbledore is an old English term for a type of bee.
25.     Dragonflies have six legs but cannot walk.
26.     Female Bald Eagles are 25% larger than males.
27.     Drivers kill more deer than hunters.
28.     Female Bald Eagles are 25% larger than males.
29.     Ducks will only lay eggs early in the morning.
30.     During World War II, Americans tried to train bats to drop bombs.
31.     Eagles mate while airborne.
32.     Elephants are covered with hair.
33.     Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.
34.     Elephants don't drink through their trunks like a straw.
35.     Elephants, lions, and camels roamed Alaska 12,000 years ago.
36.     Female koala bears have two vagina's.
37.     Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards.
38.     Female polar bears normally start having baby cubs at the age of four or five.
39.     Even a small amount of alcohol placed on a scorpion will make it go crazy and sting itself to death.
40.     Female canaries cannot sing.
41.     Female harp seals get in groups to have their babies one mating season is over.
42.     Flamingos can only eat with their heads upside down.
43.     Ferrets sleep around 20 hours a day.
44.     Flamingos pee on their legs to cool themselves off.
45.     Flies are deaf.
46.     For every human in the world there are one million ants.
47.     Frogs cannot swallow without blinking.
48.     Frogs cannot swallow without blinking.
49.     Frogs don't drink water. They absorb water through their skin.
50.     Frogs sometimes eat enough fireflies that they themselves glow.
51.     Fireflies are also known as Lightning Bugs.
52.     Frozen lobsters can come back to life when thawed.
53.     George Washington's teeth were made of elephant ivory, and walrus tusks.
54.     Giant Panda Bears give birth to a 4 ounce Baby Panda.
55.     Giraffe hearts pump twice as hard as a cow's to get blood to its brain.
56.     Giraffes are unable to cough.
57.     Giraffes have no vocal cords.
58.     Given the opportunity, deer will chew gum and marijuana.
59.     Fireflies are the only creatures that give off light without generating heat.
60.     Goats do not have upper front teeth.
61.     Fireflies do not bite or have pincers. Fireflies are harmless, they don't even carry diseases.
62.     Goldfish lose their color if they are kept in dim light or are placed in a body of running water, such as a stream.
63.     Flamingos are pink because shrimp is one of their main sources of food.
64.     Goldfish remember better in cold water than warm water.
65.     French poodles did not originate in France – they came from Germany.
66.     Gorillas can catch human colds and other illnesses.
67.     Greyhounds are the fastest dogs on Earth and can run at speeds of 45 mph.
68.     Greyhounds have the best eyesight of any breed of dog.
69.     Goat’s milk is higher in calcium, vitamin A and niacin than cow’s milk.
70.     Hippo milk is pink.
71.     Hippos attract mates by urinating and defecating.
72.     Honey bees fly at 15 miles per hour.
73.     Hippos can run faster than humans.
74.     Honeybees have a type of hair on their eyes.
75.     Goats were the first animals domesticated by man in 10,000 B.C.
76.     Honeybees never sleep.
77.     Horses can't vomit.
78.     How does a shark find fish? It can hear their hearts beating.
79.     Goats were the first animals to be used for milk by humans.
80.     Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.
81.     Heron's eggs have a greenish-blue pale colour.
82.     Human birth control pills work on gorillas.
83.     Goats are quite agile creatures and in some cases they can jump over 5 feet.
84.     Humming birds can't walk.
85.     Hummingbirds are the only birds who can fly backwards.
86.     Hummingbirds can weigh less than a penny.
87.     Humpback whales create the loudest sound of any living creature.
88.     Hyenas regularly eat the feces of other animals.
89.     Ichthyophobia is the fear of fish.
90.     If a Lobster loses an eye, it will grow another one.
91.     If you have a fear of chickens, then you actually have Alektorophobia.
92.     If you keep a goldfish in the dark, it will eventually turn white
93.     Hippo's sweat is pink.
94.     If a man could run as fast for his size as an ant can, he could run as fast as a racehorse.
95.     If you cut off a snail's eye, it will grow a new one.
96.     it isn't moving a frog can't see it. If the frog can't see it, he won't eat it.
97.     Hyenas regularly eat the faeces of other animals.
98.     If NASA sent birds into space they would soon die; they need gravity to swallow.
99.     If you lift a Kangaroo's tail off the ground it can't hop - they use their tails for balance.
100.  Iguanas have two penises.

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