
Friday 1 June 2012

Animal Facts: Interesting, Amazing and Wonderful Facts

Animals are everywhere on the earth like cities, town, villages and forest also. Here are some wonderful amazing information about Animals:-
1.        All species of beetles are edible.
2.        Ailurophobia is the fear of cats.
3.        All the pet hamsters in the world are descended from a single wild golden Hamster found in Syria in 1930.
4.        Alligators can live up to 100 years.
5.        All the swans in England are property of the Queen.
6.        Alligators cannot move backwards.
7.        Alligator snapping turtles can live for over 150 years. Scientists know this because some of the turtles had musket balls in their stomachs.
8.        Almost half the pigs in the world are kept by farmers in China.
9.        Americans spend more than 5.4 billion dollars on their pets each year.
10.     An adult giraffe's tongue is 17 inches long.
11.     An adult lion's roar is so loud; it can be heard up to five miles away.
12.     An albatross can sleep while it flies.
13.     An elephant can smell water up to 3 miles away.
14.     An alligator can go through 2,000 to 3,000 teeth in a lifetime.
15.     An ant brain has about 250 000 brain cells. A human brain has 10,000 million so a colony of 40,000 ants has collectively the same size brain as a human.
16.     An anteater is nearly 6 feet long, yet its mouth is only an inch wide.
17.     An eagle can attack, kill, and carry away an animal as large as a small deer.
18.     An elephant can smell water up to 3 miles away.
19.     An elephant trunk has no bone but 40,000 muscles.
20.     An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
21.     Animals generate 30 times more waste than humans which is 1.4 billion tons every year.
22.     Animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by a lightning strike.
23.     Anteaters prefer termites to ants.
24.     Ants never sleep. Also they don’t have lungs.
25.     Ants began farming about 50 million years before humans thought to raise their own crops.
26.     Ants don't sleep
27.     Apiphobia is the fear of bees.
28.     Ants make up 1/10 of the total world animal tissue. The total biomass of all the ants on Earth is about equal to the total biomass of all the people.
29.     Apple and pear seeds contain arsenic, which may be deadly to dogs.
30.     Apple seeds are poisonous.
31.     Apples are more efficient than caffeine in keeping people awake in the morning.
32.     Approximately 100 people die each year when they are stepped on by cows.
33.     An elephant's tooth can weigh as much as 12 pounds.
34.     Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders.
35.     Armadillos can get leprosy.
36.     At birth, a panda is smaller than a mouse and weighs about four ounces.
37.     At 188 decibels, the whistle of the blue whale is the loudest sound produced by any animal
38.     At birth, a panda bear is smaller than a mouse.
39.     At birth, baby kangaroos are only about an inch long—no bigger than a large water bug or a queen bee.
40.     At one 'feeding', a mosquito can absorb one and a half times its own weight in blood.
41.     Baby whales grow to a 1/3 of their mother's length in the womb.
42.     Baby beavers are called kittens.
43.     Baby whales can gain up to 200 pounds per day.
44.     Baby whales grow at an average rate of 10lbs per hour.
45.     Back in 1924, a monkey was convicted in South Bend of the crime of smoking a cigarette and sentenced to pay a 25 dollar fine.
46.     Baby robins eat 14 feet of earthworms every day.
47.     Barn owls hunt mostly small mammals such as the short-tailed vole.
48.     Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.
49.     Before they're even born, sand tiger sharks eat their twin brothers and sisters.
50.     Billy goats urinate on their own heads to smell more attractive to females.
51.     Birds can recognise landmarks.
52.     Black bears are not always black. They can be brown, cinnamon, yellow, and sometimes white.
53.     Black Whales are born white.
54.     Blue whales have large enough aortas (the main blood vessel) for a human to crawl through.
55.     Bluebirds cannot see the color blue.
56.     Both male and female caribou grow antlers.
57.     Bulls are colorblind, therefore will usually charge at a matador's waving cape no matter what color it is - be it red or neon yellow.
58.     Bumblebees have hair on their eyes.
59.     Beavers can swim half a mile underwater on one gulp of air.
60.     Butterflies can only see the colours red, green and yellow.
61.     Beavers have orange teeth.
62.     Butterflies have their skeletons on the outside of their bodies, this is known as the exoskeleton.
63.     Butterflies taste with their feet.
64.     Canis lupus lupus is the scientific name for a Gray Wolf.
65.     By feeding hens certain dyes they can be made to lay eggs with multi-colored yolks.
66.     Carpenter ants can live to be 7 years old.
67.     Cat families usually play best in even numbers. Cats and kittens should be acquired in pairs whenever possible.
68.     Cat owners are 30% less likely to suffer a heart attack.
69.     Cat urine glows under a black-light.
70.     Cats and dogs can hear ultrasound.
71.     Cats can hear ultrasound.
72.     Cats cannot taste sweet things.
73.     Cats have a weak sense of taste. They have only 473 tastebuds, humans have 9,000.
74.     Cats have lived with people for only 7,000 years.
75.     Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.
76.     Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten.
77.     Cats lose almost as much fluid in the saliva while grooming themselves as they do through urination.
78.     Crocodiles have brains no larger than a cigar.
79.     Cats make over 100 different vocal sounds; dogs can make about ten.
80.     Chocolate, macadamia nuts, cooked onions, or anything with caffeine is harmful to dogs.
81.     Cattle are the only mammals that pee backwards.
82.     Certain frogs can be frozen solid, then thawed, and survive.
83.     Chained dogs are 3 times more likely to bite than unchained dogs.
84.     Dogs can see better when the light is low.
85.     Chameleon's tongue is twice the length of its body.
86.     Cheetahs were trained by man for hunting as long as 3000 BC.
87.     Catgut comes from sheep not cats.
88.     China has the most goats in the world, they have over 170 Million.
89.     Cockroaches can live for 9 days after their head has been cut off.
90.     Cows from different areas have a different moo accent.
91.     Contrary to popular belief, dogs do not only sweat by salivating. They also sweat through the poors on their feet.
92.     Cows can sleep standing up, but they can only dream lying down.
93.     Contrary to popular belief, possums, squirrels, chipmunks, and mice do not carry rabies.
94.     Dik-diks weigh between three and six kilogrammes.
95.     Cows can sleep standing up, but they can only dream lying down.
96.     Cows have four stomachs.
97.     Crocodile babies don't have sex chromosomes; the temperature at which the egg develops determines gender.
98.     Crocodiles Eat Stones.
99.     Crocodiles swallow stones to help them dive deeper.
100.  Deer can't eat hay.

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