
Showing posts with label Human Facts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Human Facts. Show all posts

Saturday 2 June 2012

Human Body: Interesting, Amazing and Fun Facts, Weird But True Facts

The human body is a machine consisting of deferent organs or parts that is full of wonder. Here some human body facts are covered:-
1.            200 muscles are used to take one step.
2.            41% of women apply body and hand moisturizer at least three times a day.
3.            A human sheds 10 billion skin flakes in one day. The amount is about 2 kilograms in a year.
4.            About one billion cells die per hour in the human body and are replaced with new one.
5.            An average person will burn off 17 pounds of body fat in a year by walking an extra 20 minutes every day.
6.            An average woman has 17 square feet of skin. When a woman is in her ninth month of pregnancy she has 18.5 square feet of skin.
7.            Approximately 25% of all scald burns to children are from hot tap water and is resulting into more deaths than with any other liquid.
8.            Body uses an average of 43 muscles for a frown.
9.            An average of 17 muscles is used for a smile.
10.         Daily the adult human body needs about 88 pounds of oxygen.
11.         Every hour one billion cells in the body must be replaced.
12.         Human body needs 1000-1500 calories per day just for simply to survive (breathing, sleeping, eating).
13.         In 1 square inch of skin there lies 4 yards of nerve fibers, 1300 nerve cells, 100 sweat glands, 3 million cells, and 3 yards of blood vessels.
14.         In one hour, heart works hard enough to produce the equivalent energy to raise almost 1 ton of weight 1 yard off the ground.
15.         It is very common for children in New Zealand to sleep on sheepskins. This is to help them gain weight faster, and retain their body heat.
16.         Left lung of a human is smaller than right lung to make room (gap) for heart.
17.         Scientists say the higher your I.Q. the more you dream.
18.         The aorta, which is largest artery located in the body, is about the diameter of a garden hose.
19.         The average human body contains enough: Sulphur to kill all fleas on an average dog, Carbon to make 900 pencils, Potassium to fire a toy cannon, Fat to make 7 bars of soap, Phosphorus to make 2,200 match heads, and enough Water to fill a ten gallon tank.
20.         The average human produces quarts of saliva a day or 10,000 gallons in a lifetime.
21.         The average human's heart will beat 3000 million times in their lifetime.
22.         The average human will pump 48 million gallons of blood in their lifetime.
23.         The human body contains almost 37,000 miles of capillaries or vessels.
24.         The human body has estimated 19,000,000 skin cells per square inch.
25.         The human body makes anywhere from 1 - 3 pints of saliva every 24 hours.
26.         The human body possesses 75% of water.
27.         The largest cell in the human body is the female egg and the smallest one is the male sperm.
28.         The length of a human's small intestine is about 6 meters.
29.         The small intestine in the human body is about 2 inches around, and 22 feet long.
30.         The width of your arm span stretched out is the length of your whole body.
31.         The world record for the number of body piercing on one individual is 702, which is detained by Canadian Brent Moffat.
32.              There are as many hairs per square inch on human body as a chimpanzee. You don't see all of them because most are too fine and light to be noticed.
33.              Ultimately dead cells in the body are excreted through the kidneys by means of urine.

Body Facts: Important, Funny, Amazing and Informations

Human Body Facts
The human body is the entire structure of a human organism, and consists of a head, neck, torso, two arms and two legs. By the time the human reaches adulthood, the body consists of close to 100 trillion cells, the basic unit of life. These cells are organised biologically to eventually form the whole body. Here are some fun facts about human body:-
       1.        In June 1981, the world`s first test-tube twins were born
2.        26 calories energy is burned in a one minute kiss.
3.        A fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of three months.
4.        A full bladder is roughly the size of a soft ball.
5.        A human nose can remember 50,000 different scents.
6.        A pair of human foot contains 250,000 sweat glands.
7.        A runner consumes about 7 quarts of oxygen while running a 100-yard dash.
8.        A shank is the part of the sole between the heel and the ball of the foot.
9.        About 32 million bacteria call every inch of your skin home.
10.     About one third of the human race has 20-20 vision.
11.     About one trillion bacteria are present on each of human feet.
12.     Among the first known "dentists" of the world were the Etruscans. In 700 BC they carved false teeth from the teeth of various mammals and produced partial bridgework good enough to eat with.
13.     An average human loses about 200 head hairs per day.
14.     Approximately 75% of human poop is made of water.
15.     Blondes have more hair than dark-haired people.
16.     Body Facts
17.     Bone is stronger, inch for inch, than the steel in sky scrapers.
18.     Dogs and Humans are the only animals with prostates.
19.     Each square inch of human skin consists of 20 feet of blood vessels.
20.     Every human spent about half an hour as a single cell.
21.     Eyes are always the same size from birth but nose and ears never stop growing.
22.     Facial hair grows faster than any other hair on the body.
23.     Fetuses can hiccup.
24.     Finger nails grow nearly 4 times faster than toe nails.
25.     Finger nails are made from the same substance as a bird's beak.
26.     Heart beating of woman is faster than a man.
27.     Human body contains about 4 ounces of salt.
28.     Human body has enough iron in a human being to make one small nail.
29.     Human ear contains nine muscles.
30.     Human stomach has 35 million digestive glands.
31.     Human stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks otherwise it will digest itself.
32.     Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.
33.     If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it.
34.     If the average male never shaved, his beard would be 13 feet long when he died.
35.     If they were laid end to end, the blood vessels in human body would wrap around the equator 2 1/2 times.
36.     In 1977, one 13 years old child found a tooth growing out of his foot.
37.     In a hot climate, you can sweat as much as 3 gallons of water a day.
38.     In a year, a person`s heart beats about 40,000,000 times.
39.     Injured finger nails grow faster than uninjured ones.
40.     It only takes 7 pounds of pressure to rip off ears.
41.     It takes the food seven seconds to get from a human mouth to stomach.
42.     It takes twice as long to lose new muscle if you stop working out than it did to gain it.
43.     Living brain cells are bright pink.
44.     Men without hair on their chests are more likely to get cirrhosis of the liver than men with hair.
45.     Most people blink about 25 times a minute.
46.     Muscle cells live lifetime whereas skin cells live less than 24 hours.
47.     Neurons continue to grow throughout human life.
48.     One human hair can support 3 kilograms.
49.     Ophthalmic surgery was one of the most advanced areas of medicine in the ancient world. Detailed descriptions of delicate cataract surgery with sophisticated needle syringes is contained in the medical writings of Celsus (A.D. 14-37)
50.     Scientists have counted over 500 different liver functions.
51.     Second largest bone in the foot called talus.
52.     Size of human thumb is approximately the same size as their nose.
53.     The acid in stomach is strong enough to dissolve razor blades.
54.     The ashes of a cremated person average about 9 pounds. A big part of what gives the human body weight is the water trapped in our cells.
55.     The attachment of human muscles to skin is what causes dimples.
56.     The average human dream takes 2 to 3 seconds.
57.     The average weight of a person's skin is twice to their brain.
58.     The average woman is 5 inches shorter than the average man.
59.     The enamel in your teeth is the hardest substance in your body.
60.     The human body has 60,000 miles of blood vessels. Verified Human Anatomy and Physiology", Third Edition, by Elaine N. Marieb.  copyright date is 1995. p. 643 Thxs, monkee191
61.     The largest internal organ is the small intestine. Despite being called the smaller of the two intestines, your small intestine is actually four times as long as the average adult is tall.
62.     The longest recorded bout of hiccups lasted for 65 years.
63.     The longest recorded sneezing fit lasted 978 days.
64.     The navel divides the body of a newborn child into two equal parts.
65.     The three things pregnant women dream most of during their first trimester are 1) frogs 2) worms 3) potted plants.
66.     The tongue is the only muscle attached at one end.
67.     The tooth is the only part of the human body that can't repair itself.
68.     The white part of your finger nail is named as the Lunula.
69.     There are 45 miles of nerves in the skin of a human body.
70.     There are 5 million hair follicles on an average adult.
71.     There are no two tongue prints that are alike.
72.     Women blink twice as much as men.
73.     Human big toes have two bones each while the rest have three.
74.     Human body contains the same amount of iron as an iron nail.
75.     Human body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring half a gallon of water to a boil.
76.     Human body uses 300 muscles to balance itself while standing still.
77.     Human teeth start growing 6 months after birth.
78.     Your ears secrete more earwax when you are afraid than when you aren't.

Friday 1 June 2012

Human Eyes: Interesting and Amazing Fun Facts

Eyes are body organ that play a vital and significant role to survive. In religious point of view these are also called as God Gift. Eyes provide eyesight. Here are some real, astonishing, important, interesting fun facts:-
1.        Putting in or close to eyes (anything) is very dangerous for eyesight without an advice of eye specialist (doctor).
2.        Tear over eyeballs are washed or thrown out by blinking of eyelashes. Due to which eyes also remain clean and moist.
3.        Suddenly, touching or hitting on and close to eyes resulting in automatically blinking of eyes
4.        Eyes are naturally defended or protected by the body i.e eyelashes keep dust out of eyes and eyebrows keep sweat from running into our eyes.
5.        The study of the iris of the eye is known as iridology.
6.        The shark cornea has been used in eye surgery, because its cornea is similar to a human cornea.
7.        The cornea is the only living tissue in the human body that does not contain any blood vessels.
8.        Eyes are always the same size from birth but nose and ears never stop growing.
9.        Diabetes disease caused eye blindness. The main cause of blindness in adults in the US is diabetes disease.
10.     The weight of a human eyeball is 28 grams or an ounce approximately.
11.     The eye of a human can distinguish 500 shades of the gray.
12.     A membrane which covers the human eye is called as conjunctiva.
13.     Sailors or mariners once thought that wearing a gold earring would improve their eyesight.
14.     Examination or research had showed that a tie that is on too tight can increase the risk of glaucoma in men.
15.     Usually reading speed of a person from a computer screen is 25% slower as compared to a paper.
16.     Men are able to read fine print better than women can.
17.     If the lens in our eye doesn't work quite right, we can get glasses to help us see. Glasses have lenses in them that work with our eye's own lens to help us see better.
18.     In the United States, about 25,000 eye injuries or wound occur that result in the person becoming absolutely blind.
19.     All children are colour blind at the time of birth.
20.     Babies' eyes do not produce tears until the baby is approximately 6-8 weeks old.
21.     During crying or weeping the tears from eyes are drained into nose and that is why nose gets runny.
22.     The most common injury caused by cosmetics is to the eye by a mascara wand.
23.     Some persons begin to sneeze if they are exposed to sunlight or have a light shined into their eyes.
24.     The highest recorded speed of a sneeze is 165 kilometer per hour.
25.     It is impossible to sneeze with exposed eyes.
26.     The space between your eyebrows is known as the Glabella.
27.     Inside eye, at the back, is a part named as the ‘retina’. On the retina are cells or tissue called ‘rods’ and ‘cones’. These rods and cones assist to realize or see colours and light.
28.     Lens of eyes are round, flat and thicker toward the middle and are located just behind the pupils
29.     Over the front of our eye is a clear covering called the ‘conjunctiva’.
30.     The white part of eye is called the ‘sclera’. At the front, the sclera becomes clear and is called the "cornea."
31.     A human eyeball weighs an ounce.
32.     A colored muscle part around the pupil is called the "iris".
33.     Eyes may be BLUE, BROWN, GREEN, GRAY OR BLACK, owing to the colour of the iris.
34.     The black part on the front of eye is called the ‘pupil’. It is actually a little hole which leads to the back part of eyes.
35.     Approximately eyes blinks over 10,000,000 times a year.
36.     When you are looking at someone you love, your pupils dilate, they do the same when you are looking at someone you hate.
Precautionary Measures for Protection of Eyes
37.     Eyes are very important, therefore required to be protected from dust, sand and splinters or even fingers not to be get in the eyes. Eyes should be voided to get scratched or poked as this could damage sight!

Human Eye images strange amazing facts Information.
Eye Picture strange amazing fact Detail.
Eyes wallpaper strange amazing factz Essay.
Human Eyes photos strange amazing facts topic.

Human Brain: Interesting, Amazing and Fun Facts, Weird But True Facts

Brain is central organ of the every living thing and plays an important role in their surviving:-
1.            The functions of the brain were found by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks in 400 BC
2.            It was Hippocrates who first discovered that brain played an important role in sensation and intelligence. Brain is the extremely complex and sophisticated, least implicit and understood organ of the human anatomy.
3.            Nowadays, everyone understand the importance of having the brain, but most of us don’t know much, so here are top interesting, amazing and fun facts about the human brain to better appreciate the magic of the brain.
4.            Brain is the central organ of the human body. It is.., but most of us don’t know much about it, some interesting facts for you.
General Information
5.            Human brain isn’t the firm and is gray mass.
6.            Living brain tissue is a squishy, pink and jelly like organ thanks to the loads of blood and high water content of the tissue.
7.            Our brain is amazing. All scientific and technological achievements of human civilization come from the brain.
8.            Getting a drink to keep human brain hydrated from dehydration feeling.
Dimension (Sizes) and Structure
9.            Average dimensions of the adult brain: Width is 140 mm/5.5 inch, length is 167 mm/6.5 inch, height is 93 mm/3.6 inch.
10.         How much does human brain weigh?
11.         Average weight of human brain at the time of birth is 350-400g or about 4/5 lbs whereas average weight of adults is 1300-1400g or about 3 lbs.
12.         If stretched or stressed out the cerebral cortex would be 0.23 sq.m (2.5 sq.ft), the area of a night table.
13.         Complete surface area of the cerebral cortex is 2,500 cm2 or 2.69 sq.ft.
Structure (Composition)
14.         The composition of the brain is 77 to 78% water, 10 to 12% lipids, 8% protein, 1% carbs, 2% soluble organics, 1% inorganic salt.
15.         The breakdown of intracranial contents by volume (1,700 ml, 100%): brain is 1,400 ml (80%); blood = 150 ml (10%); cerebrospinal fluid = 150 ml (10%).
16.         The cerebral cortex is approximately 85% of the brain.
17.         The cerebellum contains half of all the neurons in the brain but encompasses only 10% of the brain.
18.         Percentage (%) of whole cerebral cortex volume = frontal lobe 41%, temporal lobe 22%, parietal lobe 19%, occipital lobe 18%.
19.         Human brain contains approximately 100 billion neurons, the equal number of stars in our galaxy.
20.         Brain left hemisphere consists 186 million more neurons than the right hemisphere.
21.         750-1000ml of blood flow through the brain every minute or about 3 full soda cans.
22.         The brain will consume 46cm3 (1/5 cups) of oxygen from the blood in that minute.
23.         The same oxygen consumed 6% by the brain's white substance and 94% by the grey substance.
Living Period / Duration
24.         The brain could remain alive for about 4-6 minutes without oxygen. After this prescribed time cells or tissues of brain begin dying or failing.
25.         The slowest speed of information traveling among neurons is 416 km/hour or 260 mph, that as "slow" as todays’ supercar's top speed (the Bugatti EB 16.4 Veyron clocked at 253 mph).
26.         10 seconds is the period of time until unconsciousness after the loss of blood supply to the brain.
27.         Time until reflex loss after loss of blood supply to the brain is 40-110 seconds.
28.         The rate of neuron growth during early pregnancy is about 250,000 neurons per minute.
Miscellaneous Infesting and Fun Facts About The Human Brain
29.         Cognitive tests results indicate 30% of 80-year-olds perform as well as young adults.
30.         Human brain is approximately 2% of complete body weight whereas 20% energy of body is consumed by the brain.
31.         The energy used by the human brain is enough to light a bulb of 25 watt.
32.         More electrical impulses are generated in one day by a single human brain than by all the telephones in the world.
33.         How much does human brain think? The number of thoughts is 70,000 approximately which the human brain produces on an average day.
34.         After age 30, the brain shrinks a quarter of a percent (0.25%) in mass each year.
35.         Weight of Albert Einsteins brain was 1,230 grams (2.71 lbs), intentionally less than the human average of 1,300g to 1,400g (3 lbs).
36.         Approximately Americans consume 50 billion aspirin tablets or 15.5 million tons in each year.
37.         89.06 percent peoples write with their right hand whereas 10.6% with their left and 0.34% with either hand.